SafetyEdos & Edmos, also, proposes advice on Safety (Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008).Edos & Edmos provides a global and competitive service: supporting Companies to prevent crimes regulated by D.Lgs.231/01.•Drawing up Corporate Models ex Legislative •Decree n. 231/2001•Drawing up Codes of Ethics and the associated corporate documents•Drawing up Supervisory Board regulation•Drafting up and and/or updating Risk Assessment Document (DVR)•Drafting up and and/or updating DUVRI (Sole Risk Assessment Document)•Environmental risk assessment and consulting Chemical•Noise exposure risk (phonometry), Vibrations and Manual Handling of Loads (MMC) and other tailored analysis•advising on prevention of crimes, on compliance with Italian legislative decree 231/01•Fire Risk Assessment, Risk ATEX (explosion risk)•RSPP (Health and Safety Office) External Assignment