We can offer to you tailored offer on fees and costs, and we propose to you:FIRST PACKAGEReception and handling of your mailSECOND PACKAGEReception and handling of your mailPhone number and fax with automatic forwarding of your calls to any other of your phone numberTHIRD PACKAGEReception and handling of your mailPhone number and fax with automatic forwarding of your calls to any other of your phone numberManaging of your phone calls by your virtual secretaryLEGAL DOMICILELegal domicile, with all services that the Client will require, on tailoring basesCONFERENCE ROOMRoom with all facilities (as, but not limited to video-conference internet connection, coffee breaks and business light lunch) for business meetings and conferences, training course for personnel.SECRETARIAL SERVICESecretaryassistanceevenspecializedinaccountableaspectsoffirstlevel.